Why rescue a pet? Well, just meet Mr. Coco Puff!

Why rescue a pet? Well, just meet Mr. Coco Puff!

With over 1.9M animals adopted in 2019 and 1.6M adopted in 2020…What are the top three reasons to rescue/adopt?
  • You are saving a life
  • Unconditional Love (who doesn’t want this one?)
  • Break the cycle of pet overpopulation /puppy mills and breeding
During Covid, the increase in requests for a rescue pet outpaced the supply in shelters. Why were adoptions on the rise?
  • Spending more time at home, more time for your favorite Fur-baby!
  • Loneliness, since outside socialization was hard, a Fur-baby gives you all the required loving.
  • Rescue pets know their lives have been challenged and may have trust issues from abuse. As the loving owner, you get to be a hero and earn a lifetime of kisses and loyalty. Bottom line pets give us just as much joy and happiness.

Now let’s meet and hear from Mr. Coco Puff, a seal point rescue kitty from the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League.
Born & raised in South Florida, my first family mistreated me. Just because I liked to scratch a few favorite pieces of furniture…..Then one day I was brought to the vet.

You cannot believe the torture I endured…the last bone of each of my toes was amputated. Commonly referred to as “declawing”, it is the equivalent of cutting off each finger at the last knuckle. Just so I wouldn’t scratch a few prized possessions. Now how would you like that?

When my so-called owner passed, I was dropped off at the Peggy Adams Rescue League. A great place but certainly not my forever home! I was determined to find my next owner and ENCOURAGE them to take me HOME! After a few “not quite” and “not the best fit” introductions, I met Clarice Young residing in Palm Springs, Florida. I knew right away, she was a keeper! No dogs in residence AND she noticed right away my declawing! We bonded immediately and I curled up in her arms falling fast asleep. Boy, I was exhausted. I slept on her chest every night and when her breathing was heavily labored, I slept under her hospital bed and stood guard. After her passing, my life and future were once again precarious and uncertain. Talk about 9 lives…how about 9 residences!

Now, Clarice’s daughter, Chef Andrea loved me immediately and we got along famously. We traveled a great distance to an alien world called New York….noisy, cold and dirty. I had a lot of adapting….I enjoy looking out the window and play catch! Chef Andrea has many friends and they all loved me and I got petted and played with ALL the time.

Now I know I could get by on my good looks &charms but I love my human friends (most of them) who have been so warm and caring. I certainly give back with kisses and purrs! I would encourage every human to rescue a loving kitty, just like me!

How Sweet Vegan gives back to Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League.
Do you love chocolate, as much as we do? All of our treats make awesome gifts for you or someone you love. Order now and we can ship out for the holidays as well. Sweet Vegan is the purr-fect gift: totally dairy, soy, nut, gluten, and preservative-free. We love animals and so do you so let’s together support, Peggy Adams, our favorite animal rescue league!

When you purchase a Seasonal Subscription Annual or Quarterly box…Sweet Vegan will donate 10% of our sales to Peggy Adams!
Purchase during September or October…we can ship out our annual subscriptions for the holidays…as you wish!
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Thank you for giving generously….Mr. Coco Puff Approved!


….Now, couldn’t you benefit from a Mr. Coco Puff in your life?


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