Ash Brown: Who's Eating Sweet Vegan?

Ash Brown: Who's Eating Sweet Vegan?

“Why the heck am I wasting time helping people disinterested in helping themselves? Why don’t I pour my 13+ years of industry experience into something I can call my own.”

Q & A With Ash

1. What/Why did you become a influencer? Was there a motivational force?

Honestly I became an influencer by accident. Lol. I had no interest in being known. I was a promoter for years. I was used to putting the spotlight on others. I often ran from the limelight. After the passing of my mother I wanted to hide even more. God kept pushing me to be in the forefront. So I stopped running and accepted my position.

2. What is your passion?

My passion is highlighting greatness in others.

3. Who has been the strongest positive influence in your

Life and why?

My mother Donna Theresa and my grandmother Louise Christina are the positive influences that i carry with me daily. They were willing to give a stranger the shirt off of their backs. They never judged and always attempted to help those in need. They are no longer on earth so I honor them with my actions

4. What would you like the world to know about you that

This will sound strange but I’m an introvert by nature. I don’t desire attention. Usually others put me in the hot seat. That means that they respect what I do. I appreciate that. It makes my heart smile. However I am totally fine with blending into the background. Lol.



It all started with a young girl from the Bronx.  At age 5, Ash Brown knew in her heart that she would one day be a Star! She had no idea of the tumultuous journey ahead but maintained that she was ready for anything.

After high school, Ash began a very promising career in modeling. She was featured in print work & commercials for clients in the southeast. Some of those clients include Home Depot, Lowes, Old Navy & Macy's.

Ash soon desired another challenge. This one would be the most influential decision that would ultimately change her life forever. She wanted to learn about radio. In between college courses, she would drop by her local radio station & soak up as much as she could. She had learned every aspect of radio production after 4 years as assistant to the program director.

After graduating, she decided to leave the entertainment industry. Little did she know that the industry would come chasing after her! She was sought out by online radio for an announcer position. She was hesitant at first but took a leap out on faith.

Production was where her heart & soul roamed freely. She was very familiar with creating, editing & producing radio spots. It was second nature to her. She thrived at building business relationships with clients in the global market. In addition to this, Ash joined the Army Reserve.

Ash had no plans to build a company. The thought never even crossed her mind. The past few years had been tough. She took care of my mom for 4 years & would easily do it again. Her mother, Donna Theresa, never told her how to be a lady. She showed young Ash through her actions.  She never let anyone take advantage of her meek yet resilient spirit. 

Ash buried her mother in 2014. That was the most difficult thing she had ever faced in her entire existence. She was lost. Her heart was no longer in military service. She needed to leave but I had no blueprint on where to go. She did many odd jobs during that time. Helped build multiple brands & had nothing to show for it. 

Then one day a light bulb went off in her head. “Why the heck am I wasting time helping people disinterested in helping themselves? Why don't I pour my 13+ years of industry experience into something I can call my own.” That's when Ash Said It was born!

This company is her baby. She believes in it more than she’s ever believed in anything. Confirmation came when she filed with the state & made an informal announcement to past colleagues. Instead of talking her out of it, they encouraged her vision. They helped with themes & marketing strategies. She felt so blessed. Not everybody was happy for her. She had some 'friends' that completely discouraged the idea. Those negative spirits had to exit. She only had room for positive energy.

If there is an idea sitting on your heart, you owe it to yourself to follow through with it! People don't always support. Sometimes you have to be your own 'Cheerleader' and that's ok. Never stop! 

Now she has a podcast that is internationally known through iHeart Radio, iTunes, Google Play, Tunein & Stitcher! We have over 1300 episodes. This show has also gained over half a million streams since 2015.

She’s had the pleasure of working with the following brands The Fox Theatre, Philips Arena, Gwinnett Relay for life, Chateau Elan, Infinite Energy Center and so many more. 


How to Find Her

Ash can be found in the following settings:

Instagram: @1LoveAsh | Website: | Podcast:

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