Celebrate Independence!

Celebrate Independence!

On July 4th, we celebrate the Declaration of Independence of America from the British in 1776— the start of our journey as a country, rewriting the rules and no longer being subject to oppression. This year we are celebrating America’s 245th birthday!

Behind all of the firework displays, barbecues and celebrations, there is a lesson to be learned about independence. What does Independence Day mean to you? How can we carry the freedom of our founders forward into our everyday lives and our own life paths?

As a chef and founder of Sweet Vegan, I know a little something about rewriting the rules and embarking on a new journey of independence. In 2016, I left behind a career in the corporate world as an interior architect to study plant-based cooking at the Natural Kitchen Cooking school.

It’s scary to leave what feels like security and a stable career to start fresh, but with a strong passion for food and plant-based diets, it was a perfect fit for me and just at a time when life began to throw some curveballs. Not only was my job down-sizing, but my mother had an accident and required extended care. Once I saw the healing powers of my mother’s plant-based diet, my future as a plant-based chef unfolded.

Lesson to be learned: What is security and false security?
“This may sound strange, but the continuity of a dependable salary gave me a feeling of security...albeit 'false' security. I have now learned to really trust my instincts, to be resourceful with my time and finances. This is when I truly became creative at problem solving and learned to look at the world as a place of unlimited possibilities and opportunities.” - Chef Andrea

Being an independent business owner is challenging, but it has allowed me to reinvent myself and share my passion (for chocolate) and my talents with the world. All Sweet Vegan chocolates, including my delicious Dreamy Bites, are handmade with love. While they are vegan, nut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free, they’re not just for vegans or those with food allergies. Sweet Vegan chocolates combine real fruit and fresh ingredients that highlight our 70% pure organic chocolate. Since I could not find this quality with the robust flavors my clients desired, I saw a need and made it my life’s mission to fulfill “chocolate dreams” everywhere! And so, Sweet Vegan was born on July 7, 2016!

Discover your personal independence and take this time to reconnect with your passion. Sweet Vegan believes in you and making your dreams into a reality.

Try our handmade chocolates and taste the difference for yourself. Become Inspired…and Celebrate Your Independence.


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