Does Chocolate Really Help with Covid 19?

Does Chocolate Really Help with Covid 19?

Yes, it does!

It is the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in dark chocolate that can block the function of a SARS-CoV-2 enzyme. This was discovered by researchers from North Carolina State University.

Amazing, isn’t it?
Chocolate can help with the following:

  • Increases heart health, improves circulation
  • A good source of fiber and minerals
  • A powerful source of antioxidants

Now scientists are just learning about these added benefits of prevention!
Besides practicing social distancing and mask-wearing, What additional habits can we incorporate into our daily life? Well, an easy addition is adding dark chocolate, green tea, and muscadine grapes to your daily routine.

According to a study published in the journal Frontiers, Dark Chocolate, Green Tea, and Muscadine Grapes (native to the US south ) have certain compounds that interfere with the virus’s ability to replicate and cause COVID-19 symptoms.

As a chef and the founder of Sweet Vegan, it is my belief that our chocolate being made with the purest, freshest ingredients and based on a plant-based diet will benefit your health*. Hand-dipped, our artisanal chocolates are free of dairy, soy, gluten, nuts, and preservatives. Made in small batches, we guarantee a mouthwatering taste experience that not only elevates mood and a myriad of health benefits but with an order of our quarterly subscription box (chocolate delivered to you 4x/year) will enable you to treat yourself to our flavorful seasonal chocolates. Who knew staying healthy could be so delicious?

*These are just suggestions, please contact your Medical Care provider for more information about COVID-19 and your diet.

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