Sweet Vegan’s Unsung heroes

Sweet Vegan’s Unsung heroes

"Sweet Vegan Chocolates saw the need to take action and support our currently overburdened first responders. As a small business owner, left with our own uncertainties, I have had to kick back into gear and am giving back to our community heroes with the gift of pure chocolate."

— Chef Andrea

Our 1st Recipient of Sweet Vegan's COVID-19 Unsung Heroes ❤️ Meet Feruza, Respiratory ICU nurse Weill Cornell Hospital



Proudest Moment

Our First Hero-- Nurse Feruza

Her proudest moment--Setting up in a matter of a day from the OR into a Respiratory ICU Unit for Covid-19 patients, saving Lives, and seeing patients get better.

check out our instagram @sweetvegannyc to nominate an Un-sung Hero to receive free SV chocolate!
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