Sweet Vegan’s Unsung heroes - FDNY EMS station 10

Sweet Vegan’s Unsung heroes - FDNY EMS station 10

Meet Lt. Joe Lanzi and his team: FDNY EMS station 10

Favorite Quote:
“I wish it need not have happened in my time”, said Frodo.

“So do I”, said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

- Lord of the Rings


Sweet Vegan Connections : Chef Andrea, coincidentally, saw this parked fire truck and offered “Free” Chocolate. Lt. Joe immediately gave her his card!

Lt. Joe is a 30 Year Veteran at FDNY & Works at EMS Station 10-Yorkville

What are your additional responsibilities during COVID-19?

Being there for our EMT’s & paramedics, helping them with their stress, emotions, and Keeping the communications open.


Where does your personal stress relief come from during this time?

For me, it’s spending time with family, communicating with peers, and exercise. When I have free time again, I enjoy long-distance bike rides.



How has this pandemic affected you and your team?

Everyone has been working longer shifts and then there’s the loss of coworkers (3 in total in the FDNY EMS Stations) as well as the numbers out sick, which have been growing. Due to this pandemic, in our house alone, we have over 12 out on medical leave. On average, the 911 calls we have been responding to have grown from about 4,000 calls/day to over 7,000 calls a day. This is a astronomical number of calls and demands on our services. Since January, cardiac incidences have skyrocketed from 2-3 a month to 2-3 a day!

Thank You FDNY EMS Station 10 Yorkville!

Justine, Martha & Brandon


Lt. Valerie Martinez



Sweet Vegan was Featured on Yahoo Finance

“How One New York Gourmet Chocolate Company Plans to Honor Unsung Heros”

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check out our instagram @sweetvegannyc to nominate an Un-sung Hero to receive free SV chocolate!

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