What's Veganuary All About?

What's Veganuary All About?

What is it

Veganuary is the largest vegan movement in the world. Taking places every year in January, Veganuary inspires people of all ages to take the pledge to go vegan for the whole month (or however long they can!)


In 2019, over a quarter million people took the UK’s nonprofit Veganuary pledge to try a vegan diet, along with 500 brands, restaurants and supermarkets who got on board with promoting the campaign.


With representation in over 178 countries, Veganuary is growing quickly and announce that beyond Meat is the official 2020 Veganuary campaign sponsor.


Why it’s important

For your own health:

  • Plant- based diets typically provide more fiber, antioxidants and beneficial compounds that a standard diet.

  • Vegan diets can also help you lose weight, due to the lower calorie intake that comes with a plant-focused diet.

For the planet’s health:

  • Statistically, one person eating a vegan diet for just am month, will save around 125,000 liters of water, 84 square meters of forest and 273 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. That’s a lot of savings!

  • Even if you are just trying it for one meal a day, incorporating more plants into your diet in replacement of meat can improve the overall health of our planet!



How you can participate

Pick up a vegan item online or at the grocery store

Order a vegan cookbook

Try some easy vegan recipes

But we think the best way to celebrate Veganuary is of course to buy some Dreamy bites to celebrate!
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