Who's Eating Sweet Vegan

Who's Eating Sweet Vegan

People from all over the globe have already discovered how delicious Sweet Vegan is. Let's meet a few of them...

Sean & CallY Cronin

Chicago, IL



Where are you from?

I’m originally from the UK, but have now settled in Chicago with my wife Cally and pup Kingsley.

What is your passion?

Helping small business owners make the most of the web in order to help their business grow.

How did you hear about Sweet Vegan?

It started out as a business relationship, and as part of my work on the new website I got to taste test each flavor - a hard job, I know but someone had to do it! Now the relationship is purely pleasure.

What do you enjoy most about Sweet Vegan chocolates?

For me, it’s the combination of juicy fruits, warm spices, and rich dark chocolate.

What's your favorite flavor and why?

It has to be the Tangerine & Currant - I just love the contrast of flavors and textures you get from that fruity bite. My wife's fave is the Energizing Espresso - for her it's all about the chocolate!

How do you like to eat your sweet vegan? (i.e. with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning; in small bites so I can savor each moment..)

With a warm cup of tea, like any self-respecting Englishman would.


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