Why Sweet Vegan chocolate during COVID-19?

Why Sweet Vegan chocolate during COVID-19?

"The greatest compassion is the prevention of human suffering through patience, alertness, courage and kindness."
Photo provided by: Jessica Held and her son & daughter; 7 & 5 years oldNew York City, UES

Why chocolates?

 This time of social distancing and uncertainty has left us with both positive and negative thoughts regarding the possible outcomes of what is to come. But one thing that’s still for sure is that chocolates have the ability to uplift our mood as well as provide a whole lot of good for our selves. Sweet Vegan chocolate has prided itself on bringing the best vegan chocolate to everyone! Why? Because not all chocolate is made with Sweet Vegan’s quality ingredients.

If you’re a first responder, essential worker, or a parent, I guarantee happiness is just a click away. After a long day, we all want to relax and enjoy something we love, and the majority of people will say they love chocolates! and what’s not to love about rich, dark chocolate that has shown to benefit us in so many ways besides bringing us joy!


10 Benefits of dark chocolate and how it can help you during these times

Dreamy Bites

Energizing Espresso



Luscious Lemon



Midnight Passion

  1. Flavonoids: Flavonoids are antioxidant, which contains the highest concentration of it, and only found in dark chocolate. Flavonoid has been found to be beneficial to enhance our immune system and our mood. The flavonoid compounds found inside of chocolate are the hero’s because they help the body to produce ‘nitric oxide’

  2. Weight loss: It’s no secret that dark chocolate helps curb your cravings, and when consumed about 20 minutes before a meal it sends signals to your brain telling it ‘I’m not as hungry.’ Sweet Vegan has only 50 calories per chocolate!

  3. Enhance mood: Chocolate boosts serotonin levels in the brain, aiding in the brain’s production of anandamide or the ‘Bliss Chemical’.  I know many people can relate ;)

  4.   No time to eat right? If you don’t have time to eat right, it would be wise to consider eating chocolate as a dietary supplement. Guess what? One ounce (28grams) of chocolate a day is like getting 12+ servings of fruits and veggies. Amazing! With people working around the clock, people can really benefit from eating rich dark chocolate.  Talk about a WIN!

  5.  Taste : As a chef , I use the finest ingredients. Our irresistible Dreamy Bites are a smooth and velvety ganache, blended with subtle notes of spices. They’re generously coated in a luxurious 70% dark chocolate. And with four delectable flavors to choose from, the only problem you’ll have is picking a favorite. Trust us when we say all your senses will be stimulated!

    No Nuts, Soy, Dairy, Gluten free, and 100% guilt free.
    Take your taste buds for a joy ride!!

  6. Healthy nutrients: Cocoa is the highest natural source of Magnesium. A diet high in this mineral protects against the symptoms of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, joint problems and pre-menstrual tension

  7. May relieve Cough better than cough medicine: Researchers say theobromine  in chocolate suppresses vagus nerve activity in the upper respiratory tract; 3 times more effective than codeine, which is considered the best cough medicine

  8. Protects you from free radicals: Research has shown that chocolate has more antioxidants than tea and red wine. Some of these antioxidants help defend the body from free radicals. Free radicals are compounds with unpaired electrons that result from our exposures to environmental toxins, such as car exhaust, fertilizer and plastic; they can contribute to cancer, dementia and other diseases

  9. Improves gut microbiome: You have both good and bad bacteria in your microbiome. The good bacteria, such as Bidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, feed on the chocolate to survive, ferment, and overpopulate the bad bacteria. Rich in prebiotics, the fiber in chocolate restores the lining to your gut wall. Stick to 70 percent cocoa or higher to ensure quality ingredients and low sugar content.

  10. Not all chocolate is created equal and in order for chocolate to be considered ‘healthy’ it must contain Flavanols. Sweet Vegan has these in abundance!

Sweet Vegan tip

Swap the botox for a dark chocolate that is rich in epicatechin, a flavonol that can enhance mitochondrial biogenesis. Mitogenesis is the creation of new mitochondria, which in turn, slow the body from aging. So save your money and indulge in some dark chocolate, everyday.



check out our instagram @sweetvegannyc to nominate an Un-sung Hero to receive free SV chocolate

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